Today I want to do something, something that to some may be quite daunting, I want to share with you what I would love my next step to be. Thinking about a hope or dream is one thing, sharing it with another is something else. Trying to make it happen... a whole different story. Funny enough, sharing a dream helps get ideas out of your head and into reality. So here is mine... I want to take our Flour & Oil food experiences international! I'm going to go so far as to say that I want to hold our courses in Switzerland and maybe Venice...before the end of the year! How? you may ask. Well the word PRAY! PRAY! PRAY! comes into mind when I think about it. I've realised that nothing worth doing can be done by myself. Then I'm going to take it one email, one message, one detail at a time. I will enlist help. I will follow up on each lead I have. The most important thing... I will keep going. What would you like your next step to be? Professionally or personally? Have you shared it with someone? Why not do so if you haven't. Go on take the next step! From my heart to yours Nicole Neethling