Food as Medicine: Apple Cider Vinegar
If there is one thing to put in your trolley every month... this is it! Head to toe: It is claimed to lead to all sorts of benefits, includes weight loss, lower blood sugar levels and improved symptoms of diabetes. The basis of this wonder cider, is that it rectifies the pH in our bodies. Most of our bodies are more acidic, and therefore provide a welcoming environment for illnesses and infections. By neutralising the pH... the welcome committee goes home, and we put the guards in place!
I use this natural antibiotic for almost anything, from drinking 2 teaspoons in half a glass of water as a daily dupa, to using it topically to treat skin infections -like ring worm, gargling with it for sore throats, the list is endless. AND its safe enough that I can give it to the whole family.
What i recommend is to get the good stuff. No, not expensive... good! You will know if its good, If you see some strand-like sediment at the bottom of the bottle. Those weird looking strands are the most important part called “the mother”, which contains raw enzymes and gut-friendly bacteria that promote healing. The bottle should say "unfiltered" and "contains mother".
You should be able to get it for about R29, at Pick n Pay Stores, or try Dischem or other health shops for their own makes!