So you might know by now that last year was an incredible faith mountain that we were able to climb. We took Flour & Oil, Indian Cuisine Courses overseas! We were in Basel Switzerland, where we did three different courses. One was for a group of individuals. In this course, we had nine different nations represented! It was a dream come true to tell them that they were the first fruits of a long awaited dream!

@Atelierdumonde, Bruderholz, Giornicostrasse
Then we did a lovely spice up your marriage course for couples!
Our last course was a staff end of year function.
To say that our expectations were exceeded, would be insufficient. From the beautiful weather.... In November, to the generosity of the people, we were really blessed. We also found that people were so open for messages of hope and fulfilment of dreams, and were so eager to share their stores with us. This Swiss experience has left me asking two questions. Does what I do impact people for longer than just the event, and how can I strategically and practically join hands with others to help coach people into moving towards their goals. This year I plan to discover some answers. Stay tuned to see how it unfolds!